October Hops and Happenings

I like to pause when I am outside. Taking in each breath and looking at the beauty surrounding me. I am never disappointed with the inspiration that I find in nature. As we were bustling around, trying to check off our elaborate to-do list, I came across this little fella. I never knew that these fuzzy caterpillars molted. Every bump, hair and leg on his body was replicated in that little molted skin of his. The hairs reminded me of eyelash yarn. What will come from this inspiration, perhaps a little fuzzy caterpillar pal?

What projects are you working on this fall? I have completed several pattern tests for fellow designers and have been working on finishing up some fun holiday gift ideas and home decor patterns of my own. One of my goals this year is to finish up older works in progress. Definitely making progress with these and hoping to have them completed by the year’s end.

I will be participating in three blog hops during the month of October.

I am featuring two new patterns in the Scrap-tastic Discount Blog Hop hosted by Regina P Designs.

The Twisted Lattice Ear Warmer will be released and featured on October 7th and the Twisted Crossroads Bookmark will be released and featured on October 21st!

I am participating in the Crochet Cancer Challenge hosted by Sweet Potato 3. It all begins on October 2, 2023 and will run all month long. Each weekday, one hat design will be featured for free for 24 hours. If you download that crochet pattern, you are taking a pledge to make a hat to donate. Each weekend, there will be two designs available for 48 hours only. Same pledge! If you download, you are promising to crochet a hat and donate it from the pattern.

I look forward to sharing with you, on October 14th, a beanie pattern that has a very profound meaning to me as I designed the Vaughn’s Harmony Beanie in honor of my friend Joe, who passed away battling lung cancer.

I am glad to be working with Simply Melanie Jane in the Dollar Days Fall Hop! It will run from October 11th to November 8th!

I will be releasing and featuring the Chunky Lattice Cowl pattern in the Dollar Days Fall Hop on October 28th.

Click on the buttons below to go to the blog hop or to purchase the bundle!

I’d love to see what inspires you in your crafting and check out what you’re hooking this fall! Tag me on Instagram or Facebook @owensvillachick. Join my Facebook Community and share the latest with fellow crafters!

Until next time,

Happy Yarning!


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